Dizziness is defined as feeling lightheaded, unsteady, or disoriented. You can feel mildly or severely dizzy, and there are many possible triggers. For instance, people with fragrance sensitivities can experience dizziness when exposed to them. Others may feel dizzy while in a car or boat. There’s dizziness caused by triggers and then there’s dizziness caused
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Types of Seizures Common Among Children
A seizure occurs when there is a surge of electrical activity in the brain that causes symptoms such as jerking movements, a stiffening of the body, falling suddenly, and loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder used to describe having two or more seizures, and while it is much more common in adults, it
Read MoreSeizures That Can Affect Children
Seizures can affect your child’s life in many ways. They can also cause discomfort, fear, and worry for you as a parent. Seizures can’t always be prevented, but there are things parents can do to help manage the condition as effectively as possible. THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SEIZURES Generalized Seizures: The widespread electrical discharges of
Read MoreTreating Muscle Spasms at Home
Muscle spasms are common and can happen anytime and anywhere. You may be just working at your desk when suddenly you are attacked by pain accompanied by distracting muscle spasms. Or, you may be watching TV and suddenly have a cramp in your muscle, or you may wake up in the morning with agonizing pain
Read MoreWhy Is Improving Your Memory Something You Should Do Throughout Your Life?
Memory plays a key role throughout your life. You rely on it when learning, working, playing, and interacting with the world around you. You also rely on it when you get lost, when you need to create something new, and when you need to solve a serious problem. Memories shape us and help form the
Read MoreIs there treatment available to help curb dizziness?
Lightheadedness, feeling woozy and unbalanced, a sensation of movement of yourself or everything around you – there are many ways to describe dizziness. Experiencing it can be more disconcerting than just a temporary loss of your bearings if it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or the sense that you are about to faint. Dizziness is
Read MoreWhat Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Someone Who Is Having A Seizure
A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain that can result in an episode of unusual behavior, movement, sensation, and level of consciousness. Seizures affect people differently and cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on which part of the brain is affected. What Causes A Seizure? Nerve cells in
Read MoreCauses of Stress Headaches
Headaches can vary from slight aches to sharp, throbbing pain. However, tension headaches – also called stress headaches – tend to be particularly severe and debilitating. It is estimated that more than 60% of Americans suffer from stress headaches, and they are more prevalent in women than in men. Tension headaches may be episodic or
Read MoreLiving With Seizure Disorder
Seizure disorder, or epilepsy, is a neurological condition in which electrical impulses in the brain become uncontrolled, causing seizures. People living with seizure disorder can live full, active lives with the help of medications. Seizure disorder affects people of all ethnic backgrounds, ages, and races. To be diagnosed with seizure disorder, you need to have
Read MoreHow Do You Treat a Stress Headache?
Do you suffer from headaches brought about by stress? Most people describe stress headaches as feeling like a tight band around their heads. The causes of stress headaches vary and are affected by many different factors, not all of which are completely understood. After all, everyone deals with some sort of stress, but not everyone
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